Is Hypersexuality a Potential Symptom of ADHD?

Yes, it can be a symptom of ADHD. ADHD occurs from an under-developed frontal lobe. This affects your dopamine uptake, thus our brains are dopamine starved.

ADHDers who are not on medication will self-medicate through dopamine seeking behaviors. The most common forms are eating pleasurable or emotional foods, thrill-seeking, engaging in stimulating social activities, drug use and of course, sex.

So yes, ADHDers are often hypersexual.

Because of this, unmedicated ADHDers are x2 likely to have weight issues, drug problems, early death or injury, STIs, have an affair or promiscuous sex etc.

It should be noted, not every ADHD does all of these. But most ADHDers have a couple of these things they fall back on for dopamine and if you are an ADHDer who is unmedicated, then you can probably see why there is certain foods, sexual behaviors and extracurricular activities you might have. These things are often rooted in childhood (like certain favorite foods, activities or places you like to visit) or throughout your teen years (when we start developing our sexual interests and broaden our social circles), and then become habits you have as an adult.

If you have ADHD and hypersexuality, I would advise you develop a very open dialog and understanding with your significant other. Communication about sex is important in a romantic relationship, but even more so when one of you has ADHD. My wife and I share all our fantasies and discuss our sexual interest very openly. We do not have secrets here and work through any quirks and kinks together.

Parents who have kids with ADHD, having the sex talks with them early is important as your ADHDer is more likely to get into trouble (STIs, sleeping around, pregnancy) otherwise. Make sure to be clear on prevention, safety, healthcare and making responsible decisions. Make it safe for them to ask you questions and don’t be judgmental (especially since ADHDers often have low or very sensitive self-esteem). Let them know sex is normal, healthy and they shouldn’t feel any shame about it. Then get them any aids they might need, a lock on their door and plenty of privacy. You want your ADHDer being safe first and foremost, and to feel comfortable coming to talk to you if they need too.

This applies to your kid’s other ADHD dopamine behaviors too. Positive support and open, non-judgmental heart to hearts are essential to helping your ADHD kid coping with them and goes a long way to them building a healthy self-esteem and confidence in themselves. You can help them avoid eating disorders, dangerous activities and all other manners of trouble just by being proactive in this area.

How does Sex and my situation come into play?

When one is traumatized it can be a bit unique like me. My abuse level it is like I remove myself and don’t care. It was something we are supposed to do but because of all the pain that surrounded sex I had to create an escape kind of like a panic room. I do not understand the idea of positive touch because there is a locked door in my mind that tells me I deserve someone to caress my cheek to gently take it slow and gentle to understand that I am supposedly experienced yet so innocent to all these new feelings.

When you experience a severe amount of time thinking that there was never going to be anything special after a violation then to one day feel an electric impulse. I can say that I have desires like any other person but I lack any type of intimacy like you can tell the fragments are severely severed. I refuse to try and get to close to people, kissing is something that makes me nervous and anxious, cuddling I was never really good at because of nightmares.

I never really had a normal relationship based on the fear of people noticing that not only do I have ADHD but also D.I.D. I consider my personal label easier to refer to as multiple personality disorder. I can tell you dealing with the memories that are unfolding as a part of my healing and learning and this is what I intend to share. I am understanding so much more by listening and helping other people out, but however I find the most difficult part of all this is having to find all this self acceptance prior to remembering how to help anyone else. I have found a great deal of education in self reflection but it has been hard to accept myself at all my faults, but this is where I established a peer support team to help remind me of my strengths.

As for adults who are coping with ADHD dopamine seeking behaviors, be honest with yourself. Don’t hate yourself, its not your fault. You are not a bad person. Make sure your loved ones are aware and supportive, as they can help you be mindful of any self-destructive habits (like with food or drugs). Your spouse or significant other especially should be in the loop, so your hypersexuality doesn’t damage your relationship or make you feel denied or shameful. Some of those dopamine habits can be harmful or subconsciously eat away at our self-esteem. Having your spouse’s support is very helpful in understanding it and coping in whatever manner works best for you both.

Communication is the most important aspect in a relationship you see I have found that the inability to connect with anyone is a receptacle based on the fear of how they will react to my special needs, I ensure people that I am a normal person I just take a bit of understanding and special time. I did find myself in this journey being able to connect emotionally with a like minded individual but as of this point it remains inconclusive because the desire and anxiety that I display in my portion of my life and also a new desire for having a team instead of fighting alone like I have been accustomed to there are so many people in one mind interested that they are overwhelming and fearful along with the spontaneous and random activities that I throw myself into makes me seem like an illusion so it is only natural to fear something that is real, because regardless of the asshole behaviors and also the situations that make it hard to communicate because each person is afraid to welcome new opportunities that could lead to bettering ourselves.

Good luck, hope that helps. This is a collaborated writing based on my opinion as well as a male opinion the original article is featured on Quora and is titled as the same question the other answer came from Nate Jones

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