Recovering addiction and treatment over the decade. The online truth.

Dear family, 2013 it began on a couch in a living room a mom a daughter and a tow truck company but a chance for my desire to be better, now I lept to my new life I loved taking a shower outside in a garage. I loved working all night and sleeping on theContinue reading “Recovering addiction and treatment over the decade. The online truth.”

Chillax with the Facts on Coronavirus

Now a lot of people are freaking out with the current pandemic going on with the Coronavirus, here is some insight on shit we should really know. Love all my people and also want us to be educated on what is really happening. First off the whole concept of where this began. 2003 the CDCContinue reading “Chillax with the Facts on Coronavirus”

The Cast of New York through a followers Eyes

I will not lie I am kind of living a dream, you see a part of my way to make it through the days and still give back is by watching my favorite HEALTHY (compared to what I used to do me sitting in the house chilling watching VH1 you have no clue!) I haveContinue reading “The Cast of New York through a followers Eyes”

Insight into the Primary Objective in Step 1

In the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book the first step is ADMITTING, this is the foundation of saying holy shit houston we have a problem, RIGHT? Now this means we have a drinking problem if we are Narcotics Anonymous is the same fundamental ADMITTING that we have a problem, once again we are telling ourselves HoustonContinue reading “Insight into the Primary Objective in Step 1”

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