What are the most disturbing facts about living with borderline personality that most people do not know?

Once upon a time there was me a child with innocence robbed by the age of 3, she held secrets no child should bare, she harbored such shame that she felt like no one cared. Tattered clothing and constant pain in her eyes, the abuse there was no way to disguise. She felt such anContinue reading “What are the most disturbing facts about living with borderline personality that most people do not know?”

Is Hypersexuality a Potential Symptom of ADHD?

Yes, it can be a symptom of ADHD. ADHD occurs from an under-developed frontal lobe. This affects your dopamine uptake, thus our brains are dopamine starved. ADHDers who are not on medication will self-medicate through dopamine seeking behaviors. The most common forms are eating pleasurable or emotional foods, thrill-seeking, engaging in stimulating social activities, drugContinue reading “Is Hypersexuality a Potential Symptom of ADHD?”

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